Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its Called Lawn Care...Really People

Instead of writing about my day and boring you with the details of my couponing and DVR's I have decided to rant about something that has been bothering me for sometime now. Lawn care service on base.....

Now for my rant of the day: Why is it that these guys who come and landscape the base think they can say and do what they want? Have the time these guys are so busy staring at women that they run over things in the yard or even better forget half your yard completely. Not only that they dig holes in our yards which track mud all over the place. I walked outside around 6pm to take the dogs out and realized half my yard is still uncut.....HELLO isn't this your only job to cut my friggin yard??!! And its not like they even have to mow the lawn with hand mowers...they ride a mower. Damn how freakin hard can this be. I understand that its hot but its really no excuse. Then what makes it worse is the guys who come around and weed whack then blow all the clippings around to make it look like they cleaned up. There are clippings everywhere in my yard as well as my carport. What are we paying Balfour Beatty for? Our rent is already to high so to include shotty yard work at best into the price is crazy. If these guys spend more time paying attention to their work then hitting on married women (which is another rant for another post) then maybe it would be worth paying for. Until then I would really like to boycott the lawn care guys but unfortunately it would be useless. They are going to come every tuesday (if they feel like it) and do the same thing over and over again.

Thanks for reading!!!

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